Telegram checks just about every box when it comes to a modern-day messaging app: it’s available across multiple platforms, offers end-to-end encryption and lets you use stickers and media files. It also has group and channel chats that can hold hundreds of thousands of people in them (though if you’re the type to keep that many friends, kudos to you).
The software is well-known for its privacy features and for refusing to give governments access to private one-to-one or group conversations. However, not everyone knows that it has a number of other neat tricks and features. Here are some tips and tricks on telegram account that will improve your experience with the app.
For anyone who’s ever struggled to fit a long message in the allotted text field on Telegram, you may be happy to hear that the latest version of the software includes an auto-shortening feature. To activate it, simply tap on the comma symbol and then select ‘Auto Shorten’ from the menu. This will automatically shorten your messages and save you valuable space.
If you’re using Telegram on a Wi-Fi network or your mobile data limit is approaching, you can set the app to warn you when you’re about to exceed your limit. You’ll see a notification in the top left corner of the screen, which will include how much data you have remaining and how long you have left to stay within your allowance. The warning will disappear once you’ve used the app again or when your phone is connected to a different Wi-Fi network.
In a recent update, Telegram added the ability to add animated stickers to images and videos. This is a nice addition to the existing emojis and GIFs that can be included in conversations. It’s worth noting, though, that adding stickers to images and videos will result in them being converted into GIFs and therefore might reduce their quality slightly. Learn more on this feature on 电报购买频道.
Another handy feature is the ability to mute individual chats in Telegram. This is useful if you have one or more chats that are distracting or making you unnecessarily anxious. Depending on your preferences, you can mute chats for up to an hour, 8 hours, a day or even until a specified date and time.
Similarly, you can now delete chats from your Telegram history on all of your devices. This might be a controversial feature, but it’s an option to consider if you want more control over your online communications.
In the same update, Telegram also extended its group limit to 200,000 members. This is a significant increase over the previous maximum of 100. This makes it easier for large groups to coordinate projects and meetings. However, this feature still doesn’t come close to rivaling the group capacity of Slack, which is able to accommodate up to 700 people. In fact, the new Telegram group limit is more likely to be useful for businesses than for consumers.